Date(s) - 09/01/2024 - 04/06/2025
12:00 am
Senator John Heinz History Center
The exhibition features a stunning collection of handmade quilts crafted by Pittsburgh artist Louise Silk, alongside captivating archival images, videos, and artifacts that detail Silk’s work and life experiences over the past five decades.
Born in Pittsburgh’s East End in 1950, Silk emerged from a large Jewish family that had emigrated from Eastern Europe in search of opportunity and stability. The social revolutions of the 1960s ignited her desire for change. By chance, she discovered quilting — an art and craft that would become her lifelong passion and profession.
Today, Silk sees her life as a patchwork of many pieces, embracing her roles as an artist, teacher, mother, and partner. Her artistry continues to evolve as she reimagines her past work with daring and innovative ideas.
1212 Smallman Street,
United States