Caitlyn Hunter

Date(s) - 06/22/2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

White Whale Bookstore


Local writer Caitlyn Hunter discusses her hybrid memoir, Power in the Tongue with fellow local writers Nicole Lourette and Cameron Barnett.

Caitlyn Hunter traces her maternal family from Virginia to Pittsburgh, retelling stories about their lives as Black folk tales, oral stories finally taking shape on the page. Taking from the West African tradition, Caitlyn draws on the stories of her ancestors for contemporary life lessons. Woven in between are personal essays about surviving mistreatment by police, a natural hair journey, a funeral for an absentee father, and others, demonstrating the nuances of Black womanhood that are often minimized, overlooked, or stereotyped until unrecognizable.

4754 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 United States